Importance of Digital Marketing on Garments Industry in Bangladesh

Importance of Digital Marketing on Garments Industry in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the world’s most important textile and clothing manufacturing countries. The industry employs a variety of marketing methods in order to attract the target customer. Digital marketing has become increasingly significant in the world as the technical environment has changed.

All of your online marketing efforts are referred to as digital marketing. To engage with present and potential customers, businesses use digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites.

There are a few basic digital marketing methods, and they are all employed in both B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) situations (Business to Customer). However, Bangladesh’s textile industry is primarily B2B. As a result, none of those strategies apply to B2B.

Bangladesh’s garment sector is crucial to the country’s economy. The majority of the country’s foreign remittance comes from the export of clothing. While Bangladesh celebrates its 50th year of independence, the world’s attention is focused on the country’s remarkable economic and social progress over the last few decades.

The South Asian country is on course to become a middle-income country in the next few years, notwithstanding the losses incurred by the COVID-19 outbreak. Technology has proven to be a game-changer in the garment industry. From manufacturing to marketing, technology has evolved into a necessity rather than a luxury. As a result, Bangladesh is undergoing a tremendous technological revolution in both industry and business.

Importance of Digital Marketing on Garments Industry in Bangladesh

The truth is that Bangladesh, the world’s second-largest garment exporter, has yet to create a virtual platform to showcase its products and connect global buyers and customers with local producers. Despite the fact that we as a country talk about building “digital Bangladesh,” apparel producers are solely relying on a traditional brick-and-mortar system due to the unavailability of such a common platform.

To stay competitive in the global sourcing supply chain, a growing number of readymade garment (RMG) manufacturers in Bangladesh are implementing digitization and automation in the manufacturing process to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and reduce lead times, among other things.

The internet has had a significant impact on our daily lives and enterprises. Enterprises have been coming online one by one since the introduction of this technology, and then Covid-19 increased the speed of digital transformation, culminating in a surge in the internet and e-commerce industries.

The epidemic had a huge influence on Bangladesh’s ready-made garments (RMG) sector, with well-known brands and shops shutting down and declaring bankruptcy as a result. As a result of the pandemic’s impact and worldwide market shifts, Bangladesh’s garments sector has encountered considerable challenges. While investing in employee welfare, infrastructure, mobility, and sustainability, the sector will need to update, diversify, and innovate.

Garment Industry’s Digital Marketing Techniques

How many clothing industries in Bangladesh have a significant digital footprint? How many people are taking use of the multiple opportunities offered by social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to grow their businesses?

Bangladesh has a better chance of growing its share of the global garments market by implementing some of the most cutting-edge marketing methods now being used around the world. E-marketing is the application of internet-based technology to traditional advertising campaigns. Bangladesh’s garments industry’s conventional marketing tactics have primarily consisted of participation in international fairs and displays.

Benefits of digital marketing in apparel business

We may discover that suppliers of garment-related raw materials and accessories use online presence technologies to reach out to customers. Nowadays, having an online presence, especially through social media marketing, may be the most cost-effective marketing strategy. Several well-known businesses around the world have already shifted to digital marketing from traditional marketing in the garments industry.

  • Google advertisements, social media ads, and promotion, as well as ads based on Android apps, are the most convenient ways to contact the target client.
  • Because you can promote your brand to the specific target customer via personalised promos, online marketing is the most preferred method of marketing. You can reach out to your demographic client here through customisation (target age, sex, location, interest, levels of income).
  • Digital marketing platforms are used by apparel retailers because of their flexibility and cheaper operating costs.
  • The cheapest kind of promotional marketing is social media ads.
  • Increase your sales and obtain immediate feedback from your customers.
  • It’s simple to keep track of and monitor the purchase habits of the target customer group.

The following is a list of online marketing techniques that Bangladeshi garment manufacturers can use to promote their goods:

A nice functional website

Before you reap the benefits of the digital world, make sure you arrive with the finest appearance and functionality. The first step in promoting a company or its products to the rest of the world is to create an effective, functional, and communicative website. The website could be hosted on the company’s own domain or on third-party platforms such as Alibaba, Amazon, or eBay.

The majority of textile and clothing manufacturing enterprises concentrated solely on production. They seldom ever pay attention to their own webpage. The importance of photography, videography, content, and graphics cannot be overstated. Even if the business has a website, it is not updated and is not used for communication.

A functional and communicative website should become the platform for all types of internal and external company communication. Textile and clothing manufacturers can develop frequent tales for their website and other communication channels to achieve marketing objectives.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The process of improving your website’s ranking in search engine results pages in order to increase the quantity of organic (or free) traffic it receives.

Textile and clothing manufacturing companies can create an SEO-friendly website that will help them rank better in search engines and make their products more accessible to their customers (buyer, other manufacturer etc). A well-optimised website not only improves ranking but also leaves a positive impression on visitors.

Marketing through social media

Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter are all examples of social media marketing. In terms of marketing, LinkedIn is one of the most useful social media networks for textile manufacturers. LinkedIn is a professional social networking site where garment manufacturers may simply find out what they need to know. Attracting connected textile professionals and companies is a simple way to increase profitability.

The most popular social networking site is Facebook. They have a huge database of people and job openings from all over the world. As a result, organisations generate leads by focusing on these professionals in the clothing industry. Customers may be impressed and educated about garment production methods, quality control procedures, ethical standards, and other topics if the garment business uses YouTube to broadcast clips.

Content marketing

The process of creating and promoting content assets with the goal of increasing brand awareness, traffic, lead generation, or customer acquisition.Companies can use these tactics to create business-related content and publish it on international and domestic textile blogs and forums. This will make a nice first impression and possibly generate some business leads.

Around the world, there are numerous textile, garment, and fashion media platforms. Textile and clothing manufacturers can create stories about their best practices, CSR initiatives, product and process innovation, and other topics, and then publish them in these outlets.

When deciding on the theme of the narrative to be told, it’s important to take your time. It is necessary to select the appropriate communication channels. Above all else, the communication should have a specific goal in mind. Professional content development and communication service providers may be of aid to textile and related firms in this area.

Social media marketing

The process of using social media to promote your brand and content in order to raise brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for your company. Social media marketing is exemplified by marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

LinkedIn is the most useful social media platform for textile manufacturing companies in terms of marketing. LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform, therefore professionals in the textile manufacturing industry may easily locate each other on LinkedIn. Companies can quickly develop some revenue and lead an impression by targeting textile relevant individual specialists and groups.

The most popular social networking site is Facebook. They have a large database of people from all around the world with a variety of occupations. As a result, companies generate leads by targeting textile-related professionals.

Textile-related companies might use YouTube to post a video on their production method, quality control procedure, ethical standard, and other topics that would help to generate a positive impression and raise awareness about the company. This method also aids in increasing a company’s sales volume. Other dedicated professional media centres for the textile and garment industries exist.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a method for businesses to communicate with their customers. Email is frequently used to promote information, promotions, and events, as well as to send users to a company’s website.

In a B2B scenario, this is the most significant digital marketing approach. Email marketing is the most effective lead generation tool for textile and clothing manufacturing companies in Bangladesh. Companies can contact their respective buyers via email, particularly foreign buyers. However, using the regular email technique is an extremely time-consuming and complicated process. In the traditional email transit, there are several laws and regulations.

It is easier and takes less time to use the email marketing procedure than the standard email communication process.

Consistent branding

Ensure that your content and branding are consistent across all social media platforms. Consistent branding allows people to form a mental image of your company and quickly recognize it. Let the world know why you belong and what your dreams are by sharing your story. It’s simple to make contact with potential customers.

Make a plan for the type of material you’ll produce in the coming days. It’s enjoyable to create various forms of material, and your viewers will never be bored. Don’t only post content about the services you provide. Use social media to be social. Specific, brief, and relevant content is required. Shorter posts are more likely to receive likes, comments, and shares.

To increase views and interaction, post your material at specified times and days. It is critical to select the appropriate content type. When you are an expert at anything, you can never fail. Market analysis is critical for surviving in a competitive market, since it allows you to see what your competitors are offering and what your customers want.

Keep your audience interested on your page by entertaining them with enjoyable and educational updates. Create postings about current events, fun facts, asking questions, inspirational quotes, and other topics instead of just pushing your products. Using Facebook and Instagram stories to engage with potential consumers is a terrific way to do it.

Influencer marketing

Are you unfamiliar with the term “influencer marketing”? So, what is this, exactly? Influencer marketing is defined as a marketing strategy that focuses on leveraging prominent industry experts to help a business reach a broader audience. A YouTuber or a blogger who already has a large and loyal following of individuals who would be interested in your company can be one of these important leaders. Their fans look up to them and are significantly influenced by what they dress. This is a sure-fire strategy to increase your e-commerce sales in the fashion business.

According to Posh Garments Ltd, the best thing that has happened to the garment industry is definitely social networking. Thanks to the network, the fashion industry now has the ability to reach a large audience with a single post.

As a result, Posh Garments has set and accomplished a number of international and regional standards that would not have been possible without the establishment of an online platform, which was spearheaded by their committed board of trustees. Customers and brands may now interact in real time on any of the available platforms.

Posh Garments was able to disseminate the word of mouth that drives their business, and this word of mouth also spreads like wildfire through the internet platforms, which has an ever-growing user base. They sell our products across Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia, to name a few locations. The internet revolution, which has had a tremendous impact on the clothing industry, primarily through social networking, was the main reason behind this.